Thursday, January 10, 2013

Gov. Cuomo want teacher 'bar exam'

Gov. Cuomo want teacher 'bar exam'

Teacher, classroom, students


Gov. Cuomo says he wants a tough entry test for schoolteachers to make sure only the 'best and brightest are teaching our students.'

ALBANY â€" Ignorant, unqualified teachers won’t be able to get a job in New York classrooms if Gov. Cuomo has his way.

The governor used his State of the State address Wednesday to announce plans for a “bar exam” that all new teachers would have to pass to get a job in the state.

The tough new test was among a host of education initiatives announced by Cuomo in a sweeping address as he starts his third year in office.

He also plans to offer financial incentives to districts that want to experiment with a longer school day or longer school year as well as fund expanded full-day pre-kindergarten for students in low-income areas.

“When it comes to education, I say two words: more and better,” Cuomo said.

The governor’s one hour, 17-minute speech promised an ambitious agenda of social and economic policies that are sure to please the state’s liberals and progressives. Among them:
l An increase in the state’s minimum wage from $ 7.25 an hour to $ 8.75 an hour. That’s 25 cents higher than the increase proposed by Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver.
l Public financing of state elections and stricter rules for candidates and political action committees that would force them to disclose all donations over $ 500 within 48 hours.
l A 10-point “Women’s Equality Act” that includes provisions for pay equity, stronger human trafficking laws and new protections against domestic violence and sexual harassment.
l A plan to reform controversial police stopâ€"and-frisk tactics by decriminalizing the public possession of small amounts of marijuana.
l A $ 1 billion “green bank” of public and private funds to generate alternative-energy jobs.
l An Adirondack whitewater rafting competition to boost tourism in the North Country.

The governor also announced plans to push for three gambling casinos, complete with table games, upstate to generate much-needed tourism there â€" but no casinos in New York City.

While Cuomo did not provide details on how many of his initiatives would be funded, administration officials said specifics would be hashed out in the coming days and in the governor’s budget, which will be released on Jan. 22.

“Today is the blueprint,” said Silver (D-Manhattan), who praised Cuomo’s speech.

“I think he’s emphasized his own liberal, social agenda which he’s always had,” Silver said.

But while conservatives might be grumbling about many of the provisions in the Democratic governor’s agenda, they may appreciate education proposals like the tough new bar exam for teachers and a form of teacher merit pay that could be opposed by unions.

The merit pay plan would reward high-performing “master teachers” with $ 15,000 in extra pay for four years to help train other teachers.

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