Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Carmelo's beef will get even nuttier

Carmelo's beef will get even nuttier

	Old Homestead co-owner Greg Sherry with his porterhouse-Honey Nut-Bordelaise creation inspired by Carmelo Anthony-Kevin Garnett feud. The dish could make it to the menu.

jeanne noonan

Old Homestead co-owner Greg Sherry with his porterhouse-Honey Nut-Bordelaise creation, inspired by Carmelo Anthony-Kevin Garnett feud.

The chefs at Old Homestead Steakhouse are making Carmelo Anthony eat Kevin Garnett’s words. Don’t worry, it’s a good thing.

The Knick superstar has had the Honey Nut Cheerios taunt turned into a mouth-watering meal by the staff at the Meatpacking District hotspot, a staffer at the restaurant tells Confidenti@l. (On Jan. 7, the Boston Celtics’ Garnett reportedly told Melo, “Your wife tastes like Honey Nut Cheerios,” in a game at Madison Square Garden.)

As we reported, Melo, who had been living apart from wife La La Anthony for two months amid marriage troubles, has since simmered down over the insult, telling us, “we moved on.”

Melo also revealed that after a 15-day fast, he was in the mood for both a big juicy steak and a bowl of Cheerios. So a gourmet version of both will be delivered by the steakhouse â€" complete with a maitre d’ in a town car â€" to the Knicks locker room on Monday when they face the Brooklyn Nets.

“Marc and Greg Sherry, the owners, saw the insult and got together with the executive chef, George Elizalde, and came up with an idea,” the staffer said. “They said after his fast they wanted to satisfy his urge of both and actually put these two things together.”

The Sherry brothers and the chef kicked around ideas on mixing the odd breakfast-dinner combo. They drew inspiration from the Food Network show “Chopped,” where chefs put a seemingly odd mishmash of nibbles into one recipe.

“They said somehow we’ll put this together. They took a porterhouse 40-ounce steak, an enormous piece of meat, and made classic French Bordelaise sauce infused with pulverized Honey Nut Cheerios and poured it on,” said the source. “It’s a little sweet. It’s got other extra-secret ingredients that I can’t tell you about, but the Cheerios are in there.”

It took the team about five tries to get the dish exactly right, and they can’t wait to get it to Melo’s mouth.

“Only the owners and chef have tasted it, and the first one after them to taste it will be Melo. If he likes it, then it goes on the menu,” says the staffer, who adds that Garnett will not be welcome to try the meal.

“Melo was insulted and we want to help him. Garnett’s messing with the wrong town,” he adds.


Marilyn Monroe has lost her place in Megan Fox’s heart and soon will be removed from her arm as well.

In February’s Esquire magazine, Fox says her feelings toward the tragic screen idol have changed, and she’s in the process of having the Monroe tattoo on her right forearm singed away.

“I started reading about her and realized that her life was incredibly difficult,” Fox tells the mag. “It’s like when you visualize something for your future. I didn’t want to visualize something so negative.”

Speaking about having Monroe’s likeness burned off her skin, Fox says, “It hurts really bad. It’s really painful.” Fox explains, “When the laser hits the ink on your skin it kind of explodes and looks like little kernels of popcorn popping up ... It’s traumatic and it’s incredibly painful. They can’t numb it enough to make the pain go away.”

Fox, 26, compa res Monroe to one of her own contemporaries, 26-year-old Lindsay Lohan.

“She was sort of like Lindsay,” says Fox. “She was an actress who wasn’t reliable, who almost wasn’t insurable ... She had all the potential in the world, and it was squandered. I’m not interested in following in those footsteps.”


Even though it’s his first season as a judge on “American Idol,” Keith Urban likely won’t be among the nearly 20 million viewers expected to tune in Wednesday for the season 12 premiere, says wife Nicole Kidman.

“I don’t think Keith will watch himself,” Kidman told us at the G’Day USA black-tie gala in Los Angeles. “You mean sit at home and watch the show? I wouldn’t think so. He’s done it now and it’s not our style.”

However, Kidman herself will be tuned in to Fox.

“I will be watching,” said Kidman. “I’ve seen nothing.”

The Aussie actress, who earned an Oscar nomination in Baz Luhrmann’s 2001 musical “Moulin Rouge,” says she wouldn’t want her hubbie’s job alongside warring divas Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey.

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