Friday, January 18, 2013

'Paranoid' teen confronts mother's killer

'Paranoid' teen confronts mother's killer

	Sabrina Mannino, 14, (front) daughter of Daniella Mannino, 34, who was stabbed to death on April of 2011, by her then boy friend Brian Sohtz, gives her victim impact statement at his sentencing hearing.

Jesse Ward/for New York Daily News

Sabrina Mannino, 14, (front) daughter of Daniella Mannino, 34, who was stabbed to death on April of 2011, by her then boyfriend Brian Sohtz, gives her victim impact statement at his sentencing hearing.

A 14-YEAR-OLD girl on Friday stared down the man who admitted stabbing her mother to death.

At the killer’s sentencing, the teen blasted the callous killer for destroying her life, too.


“I’m paranoid that something like this will happen to me someday,” Sabrina Mannino told Brian Sohtz, before he was sentenced to 22 years in prison for slaying Daniella Mannino in April 2011.

“I can never forgive someone who did this horrible thing,” the daughter said in Brooklyn Supreme Court â€" filled with some 50 anguished relatives and friends â€" calling Sohtz “a total monster and murderer.”

Sohtz, 38, confessed to stabbing the woman in the bathtub of his Bensonhurst apartment. He struck a plea deal for first-degree manslaughter after claiming extreme emotional disturbance.

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