Monday, January 14, 2013

Prince William & Kate Middleton's first baby due in July, say officials

Prince William & Kate Middleton's first baby due in July, say officials

LEON NEAL/AFP/Getty Images

Prince William and Kate Middleton's first child is due in July, the Royal Family says.

Prince Kate is due to deliver her royal bundle of joy in July â€" and it’s just one bundle. 

Twins run in the both the royal (Prince William’s) and commoner (her) sides of family, but a 12-week scan showed that Kate Middleton was carrying just one potential heir to the British throne.

And a healthy one at that.

Also, the mother-to-be appears to be getting past the especially nasty form of morning sickness that forced a frightened Prince William to rush his bride to a London hospital â€" and reveal what had been a secret even to his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth.

“Their Royal Highnesses, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, are delighted to confirm they are expecting a baby in July,” a statement from St. James's Palace said. “The Duchess's condition continues to improve since her stay in hospital last month.”

The palace would not say whether Kate was carrying a potential king or queen, but their child would be third in line for the throne whether it be a boy or a girl.

Kate, 31, is believed to be 13 to 14 weeks pregnant. If you do the math, it appears she conceived in mid-October. 

That’s after photos of the pretty princess sunbathing topless â€" and William applying sunscreen to her regal derriere â€" were published in a French gossip magazine in September and roiled the royals.

Speculation abounded that Kate might be carrying more than one child after she was hospitalized with hyperemesis gravidarum. The miserable malady affects 1 in 50 expectant mothers and often hits women carrying twins.

Kate spent three nights at the hospital. Her stay there was marred by two Australian shock jocks who pretended to be the Queen and Williams’ dad, Prince Charles, to wheedle out juicy details about Kate’s condition from unsuspecting nurses.

One of the punked nurses later hanged herself.

Kate laid low after she was released from the hospital and spent Christmas with William at her family’s home. But they joined the royal family for the traditional pheasant shoot on Boxing Day, the day after Christmas.

Kate appeared to have the slightest of baby bumps when she appeared in public Friday for the unveiling of her royal portrait.

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