Sunday, December 23, 2012

Lupica: 'Crazy' LaPierre of NRA continues push for guns with lies

Lupica: 'Crazy' LaPierre of NRA continues push for guns with lies

	Wayne LaPierre, CEO and Executive Vice President, National Rifle Association, appears on "Meet the Press" in Washington D.C. in this December 23, 2012 handout photo. 

William B. Plowman/REUTERS/NBC/Handout

Wayne LaPierre, CEO and Executive Vice President, National Rifle Association, defends his views on Sunday's "Meet the Press." 

So now Wayne LaPierre of the National Rifle Association, who attacks the mental health system in this country even as he sounds like he needs to be in it, goes on “Meet the Press” and continues to double down on his notion that the only way to keep our schools safe is to put armed guards at the front door and the side door and in every home room in America and maybe on every school bus, too.

The other day there was a terrific Daily News front page calling LaPierre, the NRA’s executive director, the “craziest man on Earth,” and he was clearly referencing that Sunday morning, even as he continued to sound like just one more coward made brave and tough by a gun.


“If it’s crazy to call for putting police in and securing our schools to protect our children, then call me crazy,” LaPierre said. “I think the American people think it’s crazy not to do it. It’s the one thing that would keep people safe.”

Of course, that is a lie from LaPierre, who also lies when he says any new gun control measures in this country are some anti-American attack on the Second Amendment, as if any parent or politician now calling for more gun control is going after the Second Amendment with the kind of assault weapon that Adam Lanza used to shoot up a principal and teachers and 20 children at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

But then LaPierre is the type who lies to stay in practice, as he continues to pass himself off as the front man for responsible gun owners when he actually is a front for their lunatic fringe. To say that the NRA represents mainstream thinking for gun owners is the same as saying that the Tea Party represents mainstream thinking in the Republican Party.

LaPierre also spoke Sunday about Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat from California who helped write the 1994 assault weapons ban for semiautomatic weapons that would expire 10 years later. Now Feinstein is talking about introducing a similar bill for weapons like Lanza’s AR-15, a gun LaPierre seems to think every law-abiding citizen needs, perhaps because of the catastrophic damage one of its bullets does once inside the human body, including the bodies of 6- and 7-year-old children.

LaPierre calls Feinstein’s proposed bill a “phony piece of legislation . . . built on lies.”

The phony is LaPierre, who chooses this moment in American history â€" one that should change the country and will change the country â€" to push his own agenda and his association’s agenda and expects people to believe that it is all about our children.

“The NRA is not going to let people lose the Second Amendment in this country,” LaPierre said Sunday, and at that point he does sound like an expert on what he calls the “cracked” mental health system, because that system is clearly doing nothing as he goes from his press conference Friday to national television sounding like a slobbering idiot.

As he does, he makes you remember all over again, two days before this sad and terrible Christmas in Newtown and everywhere else the victims have family, how the best Americans truly behave, how there is a toughness and a shining valor that does not require a gun.

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