Wednesday, December 26, 2012

'Bethenny' suddenly switches to split screen

'Bethenny' suddenly switches to split screen

Bethenny Frankel and Jason Hoppy aren’t over till it’s over. Announcing her separation just two days before Christmas, Frankel raised quite a few eyebrows among the staff of her new talk show, who met with the Skinnygirl mogul just days ago. They can’t believe how things changed so drastically in the span of a week.

“She is meeting with producers and tying up loose ends before her show begins. The talk show was a success out of L.A., but it’ll be New York-based and her studio will be in the old Wendy Williams studio in Hell’s Kitchen, ” says the source (Williams has moved down to Chelsea).

“Bethenny was just about to do segments that included Jason, like how to make relationships work and how to not give up on a relationship,” says the source. “She’ll also have cooking segments and many things based on family. She wants to prove that she’s different and not pretend to be perfect, not even in her relationship.”

Meanwhile, Hoppy, who has been spending time at a separate apartment in Tribeca, is said to be “heartbroken” and leaning on his mother and father.

“Jason’s biggest fear is being apart from [daughter] Bryn,” says the source. “But he’s glad the show is in New York and he’ll be close to her. The one thing they never fight over is their little girl, and whatever the outcome they will both be great and present parents.”

The media-savvy Frankel called the split an “extremely difficult decision,” but doesn’t seem to have given up on the two-year marriage.

The decision to split, said Frankel in a statement, is one “I have to accept as the best choice for our family. ... We have love and respect for one another and will continue to amicably co-parent our daughter, who is and will always remain our first priority. This is an immensely painful and heartbreaking time for us.”

Frankel’s brand is based on telling the truth. If the marriage were kaput, she’d have said so. Maybe there will be a season two to this marriage after all.

A rep for Frankel did not return a call for comment to Confidenti@l by deadline.


As Maggie the Cat in “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,” Scarlett Johansson is putting on a fabulous performance, but some tweaks will be made to the show, now in previews, says a Broadway insider.

“Scarlett’s performance is fantastic, she’s really talented, but she’s not being helped by the direction,” an insider tells Confidenti@l’s Marianne Garvey. “No star in Broadway history her size has had a less impressive entrance. The audience is sitting in their seats waiting to applaud when Scarlett takes the stage. However, at present she drifts on saying a monologue. The audience didn’t know whether to applaud, which would interrupt her dialogue.”

The show, in the first week of previews, has plenty of time to fix the issue. It opens Jan. 17 and director Rob Ashford, who is there for every performance, plans on giving her the moment a big star deserves. “She will come out, pause, let people applaud and then the play will begin,” says the source.

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