Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Murrow HS grad makes movie featued at Sundance

Murrow HS grad makes movie featued at Sundance

A former Edward R. Murrow High School student will have her first feature-length film screened at this year’s Sundance Film Festival - and she cast graduates from her alma mater to do it.

Eliza Hittman, 33, used two students from the 2012 graduating class in her film, “It Felt Like Love,” and used eight others as extras.

The Flatbush native said casting the fresh-faced graduates was her way of giving back to the school.

“I wanted to pass along an opportunity for students to try something that I was interested in when I was 17 or 18,” said Hittmann. “I hope this motivates them and instills in them what’s possible in this world.”

Hittman wrote the dark coming-of-age tale about a 14-year-old girl from Gravesend who becomes infatuated with a street tough from the Rockaways in 2011.

Hittman, a former theater buff at Murrow contacted drama teachers at the school looking to tap into unknown talent.

“I was really excited. It felt good to have brought them into this project. I know how many talented kids there are in that school,” said Hittman.

Hittman sent in a rough cut of her film to Sundance officials in August - and in October she was told her film would premier at the festival starting on Thursday in Salt Lake City.

Students who had a role in the movie said they were grateful for getting their first big break.

“I feel pretty lucky. If [Hittman] had never reached out to the school, none of this would have happened,” said Andrew McCord, 18 from Sheepshead Bay, who had a small role in the film but said the experience made a huge impression on him.

“I learned that this is what I want to do with my career and about how much patience you’re going to need,” said McCord.

Jesse Cordasco, 19 from Mill Basin had one of the lead roles in the film and said he was happy to work with his friends on the project.

“I’m proud of me and my classmates. Now whenever I go back, I can say I’ve done something outside of the school that I can be proud of,” said Cordesco.

Meanwhile Hittman said she was happy to get her film into the festival.

“I was excited and I also felt a sense of relief. So many people volunteered to help me out with this project so I was just glad I met everyone’s expectations,” said Hittman.

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